

The League of Women Voters States Position on Carbon Pricing July 2, 2018: At the National Convention for the League of Women Voters, the assembly voted for the following stand for price on carbon.

“The League of Women Voters stands united with, and in support of, efforts to price carbon emissions, whether cap-and-trade, carbon tax/fee, or another viable pricing mechanism. The League does not have a position on how the revenue generated is to be used.

“We do not espouse any single method of pricing carbon over another. We will evaluate all proposed methods based on their effectiveness to abate emissions and whether the method can be successfully implemented.”

Offshore Wind Aug 31, 2018: The global market for offshore wind energy is expected to surpass $60 billion by 2024. Most offshore wind is in Europe, but the U.S. and China are investing. Prices in the U.S. are dropping to $0.132/kWh or even lower.