Let the Market Fight Climate Change

Climate change affects all of us, regardless of education, nationality or beliefs. But we can do something about it and not hurt our economy.

Since 75-80% of carbon dioxide emissions are from fossil fuels, working to reduce fossil fuel use will make a meaningful difference. Putting a price on carbon emissions will do that. And many will profit — not just environmentally — but also financially.

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The scientific evidence that the climate is changing because of increasing greenhouse gases is very convincing. The evidence is growing that shows human activities are the primary cause.

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Pricing Mechanisms

Carbon tax or cap-and-trade? Both have been tried, both have some advantages, and can be used either separately or in combination.

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Revenue Use Options

Revenue from cap and trade or a carbon tax will accrue. How should that revenue be spent? Options range from government programs for mitigation and adaptation to returning the revenue by lowering other taxes, and a host of options in between.

Go to Revenue Use Options

Take Action

Now is the time to make it plain that we need a price on carbon. Show your support, talk it up, make some noise, and VOTE!

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Our Blog

California Takes Urgent Climate Actions

California is in the throes of climate change – and taking action. In addition to California’s cap and trade system, which is a key piece of their emission reductions , This autumn, California’s Governor Gavin Newsom signed two bold executive orders. Executive Order N-79-20 , signed September 23, 2020, requires sales of all new passenger cars and trucks to be zero-emission by 2035. EO N-82-20 , […]

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Carbon Pricing Morphs and Republicans Return

The evolution of carbon pricing in the U.S. continues, but we’re still not seeing Federal bills pass. There are eight carbon pricing proposals   currently before Congress – seven for some form of carbon tax (or fee) and one called “cap and dividend” (cap and trade). Like in previous Congresses, the chances of any of them even getting out […]

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Rocket Fuel Boost

“We’re not on track to meet the Paris emission reduction goals. But putting a price on carbon will give us a ‘rocket-fuel boost’”, said Nat Keohane, VP-Climate for the Environmental Defense Fund in an April 25th webinar. International agreements and individual behavior are critical, but not enough. We need a broader set of economic incentives […]

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